Stop Airway  Narrowing To Reduce Asthma Symptoms

Stop Airway Narrowing To Reduce Asthma Symptoms

Sep 14. 2021


Causes of Asthma

If children with asthma, Exposure to various irritants and substances, Such as dust mites, animal furs, mold, infections like colds or flu. It will cause inflammation of the breathing tubes, And may produce extra mucus in the airways. This will trigger coughing, sometimes sounds like phlegm. The muscle in the airways will tighten around, makes the breathing tubes become narrow. Then you will hear a whistling sound (wheezing) when breathing out and shortness of breath. If you don’t pay attention to the asthma symptoms when it occurs, the airways will transform over time, It will lead to long-term lung damage, the asthma symptoms will get worse over time.

If you notice asthma symptoms once occurs, It’s important that you work with your doctor to track your signs and symptoms and adjust your treatment as needed to prevent from asthma symptoms getting irriversible.


New findning in Asthma treatment

The study in Taiwan medical center has found that Proentry peptide is of great benefit in asthma treatment. It can help reduce inflammation index, reduce airway resistance, repair airway mucosa.

It is important to enhance airway mucosa to prevent respiratory virus from invading. Most people will have normal lives, but may have asthma attack under infections like colds or flu. This is because of respiratory virus, in this case, airway mucosa is important as first defense line against asthma triggers. Proentry peptide is vital in the maintenance of good airway mucosa, to help enhance our defense system, Proentry is clinically-proven to be effective in asthma treatment.


Proentry can repair mucosal health

We all have anti-allergies factor in our body. This factor is first found in breastmilk, which is proven to be effective in repairing intestinal mucosa, respiratory mucosa, and skin mucosa. It can help defend bacteria and virus evading. More important is that it can help balance immune system, reduce chronic inflammation, enhance our body defense system. This is the reason why Proentry peptide is developed.

The amount of Proentry in breastmilk quickly decreases with period of time, and the study also shows that allergies patients are more likely lack of this key factor. What can we do?


Proentry will decrease rapidly over time

Researchers found this certain peptide in milk, the structure of which is 100% the same as that in human body. However, the amount is so small like diamond, and it is very hard to keep it in active form under regular production process. This is why you cannot obtain such factor by drinking milk only.

Proentry peptide is recommended by Taiwan medical center. A newest finding to help keep allergies away!