New Clinical Finding In Soothing Eczema And A.D.

New Clinical Finding In Soothing Eczema And A.D.

Sep 08. 2021


What is Atopic Dermatitis?

Atopic Dermatitis is allergic diseases that typically begins in childhood. When babies are 4-month old, first the eczema is common to appear on the face, After a period of time, You will find that the skin around cheeks, chin, forehead, and scalp will also become red and rash.

In 6-month old, It will spread to other areas of the body, including elbows, wrists, ankles, and backs of the knees. When the rash is in acute stage, it can be weepy and oozy. When it becomes chronic condition, the skin is dry and desquamation. This is so-called Atopic Dermatitis.
Itching is the hallmark of AD. It is not uncommon to see children keep scratching, especially during sleep, in that the sheet covers and makes it very warm. In this case, the itching becomes even worse. Painful skin and poor sleep quality caused by itching are also common.


Why gets AD?

Patients with AD usually have mutation of the gene responsible for creating filaggrin. The skin barrier is weak without enough filaggrin. We can imagine the skin is stacked with many layers of bricks.In normal condition, the layers of bricks are so neat that they are strong enough to defend the entry of bacteria and virus.However, for those who with AD condition,the layers of bricks are in a mess so the bacteria and virus can easily enter through the skin barrier, leaving it dry and prone to itching and rashes.


Once the allergen invades, it will cause inflammatory skin.
The inflammation will make patients very itching, and they will keep scratching. The scratching will lead to worse inflammation, and the itching gets even worse. So the endless scratching, itching, scratching, and itching create a vicious circle.


New study found certain peptide is benefitial in AD treatment

The study has found that Atopic Dermatitis patients lack of certain peptide, especially among Asian, the amount of which is 29% less than that of normal people.

Proentry peptide is clinically-proven to help reduce allergies index. The study in Taiwan medical centers shows that Proentry peptide can help reduce chronic inflammation, and keep immune system balance. The study is also published in international peer-reviewed journal, British Journal of Nutrition.


What is Proentry peptide?

We all have anti-allergies factor in our body. This factor is first found in breastmilk, which is proven to be effective in repairing intestinal mucosa, respiratory mucosa, and skin mucosa. It can help defend bacteria and virus evading. More important is that it can help balance immune system, reduce chronic inflammation, enhance our body defense system. This is the reason why Proentry peptide is developed.


Proentry will decrease rapidly over time

The amount of Proentry in breastmilk quickly decreases with period of time, and the study also shows that Allergies patients are more likely lack of this key factor. What can we do? Researchers found this certain peptide in milk, the structure of which is 100% the same as that in human body. However, the amount is so small like diamond, and it is very hard to keep it in active form under regular production process. This is why you cannot obtain such factor by drinking milk only. Proentry peptide is recommended by Taiwan medical center. A newest finding to help keep allergies away!